Yoga Teacher Training


Certified by Yoga Alliance USA

We at Shree Vidya Gayathri like do not hoard our knowledge gained from our gurus, but believe in spreading it to everyone, which will surely benefit the lives of people. Our yoga teacher training in India is formed with this in mind as it will provide the students a deep knowledge of yoga and its philosophies. The 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training program is customized to provide courses on Hatha yoga and Vinyasa yoga which will improve the self-development of the students. The yoga teacher training in India will give you a chance to experience the serene location also known as the gateway of Himalayas. The air here is always buzzing with energy which will calm your nerves and provides an excellent environment to practice and learns yoga. This will give you an experience which will be memorable along with transforming your body. The course spans for a duration 4 weeks where in-depth details about the different asana, various relaxation techniques, and different poses are discussed and put into practice. The course also features the body alignment and yoga therapy, which can bring a positive change in the health as well as the mind of people. Our courses are designed keeping in mind the requirements of students, hence, we allow only a group of 20 students to attend the yoga teacher training in India. This will guarantee that your experience here can be a solid foundation for your achievements in the future.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

We bring in people from different cultures and background under one roof to help them achieve the common goal of the fitness of the body and wellness of the mind as well as soul. This interaction will assist in boosting your self-esteem along with forming new bonds, which will have a positive effect on your life.

Who Can Join Us

Yoga teacher training, is open for all levels. As the course is demanding, so the students should healthy, physically and mentally. As it is a yoga program in small holy town so better to keep expectations not high for certain things Student should have been self practicing yoga for at least six months before joining the program. In Rishikesh meat is prohibited, in this case please don’t bring any consume and packed non vegetarian food. Also it’s good time for you to detox. As our course is conducted In English so Students should have some basic knowledge of English.

What are we accountable for

1. 28 nights single or shared Accommodation

2. Daily nutritious vegetarian meals, juices for detoxification and regular herbal tea.

3. Weekend excursions

4. Yoga material

5. One Ayurvedic massage

6. One the Himalayas sightseeing trip

Documents required before the commencement of classes.

On your arrival to attend our Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh,
the following documents will be required:

1. Two recent passport size photo

2. Copy of your valid Passport and visa.

Basic Rules for Students.

Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited in the school.

If you are having a fast any day, you have to inform kitchen manager for avoiding food waste.

Always make discipline, respect teachers and follow all rules

Always be in the time, you are late means will not be permitted to join class

We provide accommodation for a student who join yoga classes. So any friends or relatives will not be included in accommodation.

Student have to present in all scheduled program of Shree Vidya Gayathri.

How To Reach our School.

By Airways

Reach Delhi International Airport or you can also take a direct flight till Dehradun Jolly airport. Delhi is 242 km while Dehradun is only around 15 km from Rishikesh.


From Delhi Airport you can hire a taxi or if requested we can also send a cab/taxi to receive you at the airport, the cost of which will be 80 dollars. We can also receive you at the Dehradun Jolly airport, with the prior request. For receiving from Jolly airport the cost will be 20 dollars.

You can also reach Rishikesh by bus from Interstate Bus Terminus at Delhi. Take a Volvo or any luxurious coaches from Delhi to Rishikesh, but bus journey could be very tiring. We can also send our taxi to receive you from Bus terminus or you can also hire an auto-rickshaw for Lakshman Juhla but then you have to walk across the Juhla till the School premises.


You can also prefer a train from Delhi for Haridwar which is 25 km away from Rishikesh. Haridwar is linked to many major cities in India. From Haridwar you can hire a taxi or we can also send our taxi to receive you on request in advance. The taxi charges from Haridwar to Rishikesh will be 20 dollars.

Shree Vidya Gayathri - Experience the Freshness

We bring in people from different cultures and background under one roof to help them achieve the common goal of the fitness of the body and wellness of the mind as well as soul.